Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Last Night's Recap - March 24, 2015

After tons of weather issues and last week's cancellation for St. Patrick's Day, we were glad to be back last night at The Granville and Molly Malone's. The night was filled with Pop Culture Trivia, a random audio round, and some basic Indiana Jones chronology.

The winning teams from both bars were quite apparent from early on. Over at The Granville, Honeybadgers took the win. At Molly's a rowdy Werewolves, Not Scarewolves walked away victorious, even though they were about to riot during the "Vanity Fair" question. Becky Sharp is the heroine, not Becky Thatcher. That's a different book altogether.

Werewolves, Not Scarewolves

And here's that groundbreaking (at least in 1951) scene from Royal Wedding.

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